
LiteSpeed Web Server

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LiteSpeed is a new generation web server that differs from the rest in that it makes much better use of system resources. Through this function, the speed of Internet pages is achieved many times better.

Apache replacement


LiteSpeed is a direct replacement for Apache, supporting .htaccess, the mod_rewrite, mod_security modules and other standard privileges. Thus, the end user does not have to change anything on his page or add additional settings.

High security


The web server has built-in protection against DDoS attacks, which will give you an extra layer of protection. Also, as we have already shared, mod_security is also supported, thus providing the necessary protection. Additional Bruteforce protection against WordPress platforms is also included.



Besides the normal support of your PHP projects, LiteSpeed gives you the possibility to use other programming languages, such as Perl or Python. In addition, you can also use NodeJS on our servers. All this is provided by the joint support of LiteSpeed and CloudLinux.



LiteSpeed Webserver is an active project that is being developed at a very fast pace, and perhaps most importantly, it uses modern technologies, such as QUIC. So you can be sure that you can take advantage of the novelties.

Simplified configuration


Dedicated servers provide a completely independent hardware resource located in the Equinix data center.

Optimized PHP


With its unique architecture, LS also provides an optimized interpretation of PHP (lsphp) that works significantly better and most importantly faster.

Why to choose LiteSpeed?

Cache and speed

Cache and speed

LiteSpeed has a built-in caching system that significantly reduces both the use of system resources and the loading time of a given page. In addition, there are specially created cache applications for the most common systems, such as WordPress, vBulletin, PrestaShop and others. Thus, we can provide you with the best possible conditions to achieve the desired speed for your Internet pages.

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